
strace+: An improved version of strace that collects stack traces

Historical source at:

Recent versions of strace (4.9+) have this feature integrated. However, the build requires an optional library and this feature is sometimes not enabled.

Building strace with stack tracing

Set up to build from source RPM using these directions:

Choose a build machine which has similar architecture to your target machines.

Install the unrolling dependency:

sudo yum install libunwind-devel

Acquire a late model source RPM for strace and install:

cd /tmp
yumdownloader --source strace
rpm -Uv strace-4.9-1.fc20.src.rpm

Perform the build:

cd ~/rpm/SPECS
rpmbuild -bb strace.spec

Confirm that libunwind was included:

grep -i USE_LIBUNWIND ~/rpm/BUILD/strace-4.9/config.h

You've got RPM!:

ls -l ~/rpm/RPMS/strace*