Running a Laconica EC2 Instance


This procedure outlines how to launch an existing instance of Laconica in the cloud. If you haven't already initialized your Laconica instance please see the Initializing a Laconica EC2 Instance procedure.

Running the Laconica instance

Launch the AWS Management Console

Login to the AWS Management Console with your Amazon account and password:

Launch the Laconica AMI Image

  1. Click on the "AMIs" Navigation Link.

  2. Insert the string "laconica" in the "Viewing" filter box.

The current image is:

ami-ad23c4c4    ksedgwic/laconica-v5.manifest.xml
  1. Select the image and press the "Launch" button. The "Launch Instances" dialog opens ...

  2. Set Number of Instances to 1

  3. Leave the Instance Type (32 bit) to "Small".

  4. Select your "Key Pair Name" from the list.

  5. Select both the "default" and "laconica" Security Groups.

  6. Click on "Show advanced options".

  7. Leave the "Kernel ID" and "Ramdisk ID" unspecified.

  8. Change the "Availability Zone" to the same value you created your EBS Volume in. I run images in "us-east-1c".

  9. Insert the string "USE_EBS" in the "User Data" box. Don't include the quotes around the string. Don't type a return after entering it. If you already typed the return it's OK ... you're launched ...

  10. Launch the instance by clicking "Launch".

  11. Click on the "View your instances on the Instances page" link.

  12. Observe the status of your instance, you must wait for it to become "ready" before proceeding.

Attach your EBS Volume

  1. Click on the "Volumes" Navigation Link.

  2. Select the volume you created earlier from the "EBS Volumes" list.

  3. Click on the "Attach Volume" button.

  4. Choose your instance from the "Attach Volume" dialog.

  5. IMPORTANT - Set the "Device" to "/dev/sdf".

  6. Click "Attach".

  7. Observe the status of the volume in the "Attachment Information" column, you are waiting for it to read "... (attached)"

Visit your Laconica Instance

  1. Click on the "Instances" Navigation Link.

  2. Select your running instance from the list.

  3. In the lower detail window copy the value of the "Public DNS" field. In my case it was:

  4. Open this address in a web browser.
